Saturday of Holy Week - Veiled

Yesterday it was done. Finito. They laid him in the tomb and rolled a stone against the door.

Today... nothing. The scriptures are silent. While the holy day of Pesach (Passover) and Sabbath take place, the story takes a rest.

The rivers of lambs' blood from the Passover sacrifices have been washed down the mount. People have gone to their homes to observe the Passover Sabbath behind the safety of their doors. Jesus' disciples are in hiding, in shock, in disbelieving grief, some in fear and trembling, hoping that further retribution will pass over their doors. Probably the Roman soldiers are on alert for further disturbances, but keeping a low profile, expecting that with the holy day arrived and the latest messiah safely in his tomb, things will quiet down.

But no one can be sure. I imagine the holy city taking a breath, waiting to see if things get back to normal.

The sudden, violent death of a loved one throws the world into chaos. Any sense of safety and stability is compromised. Simple, normal activities can feel like huge challenges. Even breathing can seem to be a struggle.

If God has another word, it is at this point veiled. If something is being worked out, it is very much behind the scenes, like a seed planted in the earth.

So if you are a friend of Jesus, take this Holy Saturday as a Sabbath. Church folk may be preparing for the Easter which we know is coming, because it happened that glorious resurrection day almost 2,000 years ago. But please make the space to find your sense of safety and stability, to touch base with that Solid Rock that is the God who redeems the world.

     In your infinite mercy, Lord, please, please speak
     to this injustice, and to our unbearable loss.
     We can see no way through, but you are a way-maker.
     Help us to trust in your eternal power for good,
     and make us ready to receive your coming grace.

Giuseppe Sanmartino, Il Cristo velato (Velied Christ), Naples, 1753. Photograph by David Sivyer. Used under (CC BY-SA 2.0).
