Prayer for Haiti

Lord God, as the earth moved one year ago in Haiti, move the hearts and hands of your people throughout the world, that we may remember the people of Haiti with our prayers, with our hearts and our words, and with our actions.

Lord God, as the earth shook one year ago in Haiti, we ask that you shake the powers of this world. Shake loose some money, that it may fall upon Haiti, not just on the corrupt class, but upon those living in tents and on the streets, that it may make a difference in their lives. Shake up the structures of power which seek to exploit Haiti, shake out corruption within and without Haiti, and shake aside obstacles to adequate food and shelter, health care, safety from violence.

And, Lord God, we tremble to ask that you also shake the people of Haiti, gently we pray, that they may band together to keep working and fighting with love for justice in their land.

Bless the land of Haiti, and keep it and its people ever in your care, through Jesus Christ, bloodied, crucified, yet risen now and forevermore. Amen.



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