Prayer for holy places

How dear to me is your dwelling,
     O Lord of hosts!
My soul has a desire and longing
     for the courts of the Lord...
  Psalm 84:1-2a

Great God, you have established among us sacred places: in the natural world, in tabernacle and temple, in the meeting places of your people. So too you came to dwell among us, and have hallowed the temple of our human bodies. Help us to care for your good creation, in stewardship of earth, sea, and sky, and in the care for human well-being: body, mind, and spirit. Rest your healing hand upon the wounded and suffering places of this world, and upon our bodies: individual and social. Renew in us a right spirit, and restore us to health, through thy great mercy. Amen.

Lost World – Temple of Nature. Matte painting by Romanian artist Tiberius Viris.


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