Prayer for another shooting

We know that every day violence afflicts our land, and that only some incidents make "the news," or find their ways to our attention. On Thursday, four police officers were shot and two killed in Louisiana (see "Four deputies shot in two St. John the Baptist Parish incidents"). A friend who serves a church in the area is connected to one of the surviving officers' family and asked for prayer.

There are many ways to work for a more peaceful and just world. But I know of no better start than by asking God to be involved in our efforts. Let us pray...

Look with mercy upon our fallen world, O God. We know not what to do with the violence which afflicts us, nor with the weapons of destruction which we cling to in misplaced faith.

Minister to all victims of violence, especially Michael Boyington and Jason Triche, that wounds of body and spirit be fully healed. Receive into your blessed kingdom all who die while serving their communities, especially Brandon Nielsen and Jeremy Triche, and sustain those who suffer from their loss.

And please, O God, come to those who have committed or contemplate acts of violence, individually and collectively. Restrain their hands from evil, transform their minds, and give to them a new heart which seeks your realm of forgiveness and peace.

We ask this in the name of the one who lived and died and rose for us, Jesus Christ, our redeemer and Lord. Amen.

Sheriff's deputies Brandon Nielsen and Jeremey Triche.
Rest in peace.



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