Prayer for Binghamton

Kyrie eleison – Lord have mercy;
Christe eleison – Christ have mercy;
Kyrie eleison – Lord have mercy.

Like most acts of violence there are likely many strands which came together to produce today's massacre.

It is tragically easy to find a scapegoat. But there has never been a scapegoat that deserved the weight of all the sins cast upon them.

O God, you came among us and suffered the pain of violence and the loss of your life. Have mercy upon our fallen world. Receive the dead into your care. Lay your healing hand upon the wounded and suffering. And bring forth compassion and mercy among your people, that violence be met with love, and that which is senseless may bring forth better understanding among your people. Amen.

AP Photo/Matt Rourke - People embrace outside a Catholic Charities office where counselors tend to relatives of victims of the shooting in Binghamton N.Y., Friday, April 3, 2009.


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