
This Sunday is Palm Sunday - the last Sunday in Lent and the entrance into Holy Week. For centuries, Christians have turned again and again to the story of Jesus' Passion.

This story exposes the work of sin which condemns righteousness to death, makes sacrificial offering of others, and leaves a trail of broken bodies. And this story also reveals God's mysterious work of salvation, realized in forgiveness, self-giving love, and the breaking of bread.

Come - let us turn our hearts to the mystery of Holy Week and the victory of God. The shouts of "Hosanna!" which Christians so often hear as triumphal hope, actually means "Please save!" or "Save now!" One of the roots of Christian praise is in our experience of God as savior. And, regardless of nuance, our approach to God is always connected with our need - to be made whole, for forgiveness, for deliverance.

As we draw near to Jerusalem, as we prepare to ascend to the place of pilgrimage, let us pray.

O God, you came among us to proclaim the good news of our salvation. Yet we have been listening to other programming, and lack eyes to see and ears to hear the signs of your kingdom. Help us this week to turn to your Passion, that by drawing near to your holy Mysteries, we might let the same mind be in us that is in Christ Jesus. Grant that this day and this week we may partake of your glory by taking on the divine humility revealed to us in Jesus, to whom we are bold to cry Hosanna! Save us!


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