Where we stand

It seems that Vladimir Putin has won.

Of course he succeeded beyond any expectation in getting a destructive, impulsive fool into the Oval Office. He has diminished trust in American institutions and the integrity of democratic elections.

He has helped legitimize his own corrupt, brutal, kleptocracy by raising up a pale orange image of himself in a place which should stand for something better. He has elevated racism and fear to national values rather than cancers to defeat.

He profits from our descent into governmental chaos (although not as much as China, out of the garish spotlight). And no doubt he has gloated at his perverse genius in crippling a rival, while at the same time feeding his own narcissistic apppetite.

This Putin-assisted, self-inflicted national disgrace will continue week after excruciating, shameful week. Because we are obsessed and addicted to this All Trump All The Time train wreck of a too-real surreality show.

God help us to turn away from this, and towards the values which made America great.

Our better angels had a vision of respect for one another, of opportunity and fair treatment, of a society built by the people and for the people. It is time for us to make America great again.

Renounce evil. Turn to what is good. And that means turning to our neighbors, whether we agree or not. None of us can build that more perfect union. We once knew it took unity. Not unanimity, but a willingness to seek the shared good. We the people...


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