Ephesians 1:11-23 The Ascension is another one of those stories which pose problems for Christian believers. Set aside the supernatural, set aside the speculations about where Jesus went or where heaven is located, and go straight to the heart of the matter. Jesus' disciples are again left alone. How is Jesus present among us, and what are we to do , when he is so obviously, so scripturally, GONE? The popularity of this image in the church may certainly be attributed to the proclamation of Jesus as ruler in the heavens, and in anticipation of the way believers hope to rise up with him in the afterlife. But perhaps it also speaks to the attempts to hold onto, to keep connected to this beloved one who is not directly present with us. I cannot help but remember our visits to my grandfather and the way, just prior to climbing in the car to travel home, the whole family would gather for photographs, the last remembrance for another year - or perhaps forever. The letter to the Ephesians ...