Living with Integrity Part 1 - Don't do the oppressor's work for them
Republished from , a blog oriented to those who work with people who choose to abuse. But since there's a lot of abusive behavior in this world, others may find it relevant. This is a time for frank talk about the ascendency of an authoritarian and abusive political culture in the United States of America. While Donald Trump is seen as the point person for this movement, and as President-elect is poised to implement these as U.S. government policy, these ideas are not new, and are not unique to a single leader, political party, demographic group or location. This is not a time for quiet acceptance, private complaints, and trying to ignore, work around, or accommodate to harmful acts and beliefs. Nearly two thousand years ago, the Roman empire dominated Europe and the Mediterranean by military force and oppression. The early Christian movement was by necessity a resistance movement, proclaiming a different kind of rule, governed by a God of mercy, where peo...