Praying the Psalms
It was eleven years ago that I started City Called Heaven. I began with lectionary reflections for Lent 2008. Now we are at the threshold of another Lent, and I am happy to announce the launch of a new blog, . It was in my early days as a chaplain that I started to rely on the Book of Psalms as a resource for prayer and faith. It speaks of God and to God in varied voices, and is distinctive in its ability to give voice to deep emotions: joy, despair, confidence, pain, rage, hope, pleas for rescue and complaints at injustice. will offer brief reflections on individual psalms, giving priority and focus to those used in the Revised Common Lectionary for the 3-year cycle of church readings. I do this in part to aid preachers, who tend to neglect the psalms as a resource for preaching. Yet the congregation reads a psalm each Sunday. And those words can speak directly to the heart. Live today are 63 articles, representing just over half ...