
Showing posts from March, 2014

Eucharistic Prayer for Lent 2014 – Turning

This Lent St. Matthew's in Jersey City is using the theme of "Turning" as a key to the season. Using words from Ecclesiates, set by Pete Seeger, the congregation sings "Turn, turn, turn" before the service in a time for healing prayer. The concept is used in cards which serve both as devotional and publicity about Lent events. Lent is a season of turning – Turning from what is hurtful & &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp towards what is healing Turning from what is shattered & &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp towards what is whole Re-turning to the Lord Wishing you a holy and blessed Lent. The same theme is used throughout a eucharistic prayer written for the season. Holy one, great God of judgment and mercy, we give thanks to you through your beloved son Jesus Christ. From earliest days, you turned towards your creation, bringing light from the darkness, firm ground from the deep, life from the dust. Adam and Eve turned from the g...