
Showing posts from October, 2012

Hurricane Sandy - Jersey City

Image contains current info. This is an aggregate of best information as of Monday 3pm. PUBLIC SAFETY You should be inside unless you are evacuating to safety or an emergency responder. As winds pick up we will get downed power lines . Please call them in to the Hudson County Office of Emergency Management (OEM), 201-319-3871. PSE&G is staffing that office 24 x 7 and they will get it into the system. For trees on county roads or parks, report to Hudson County OEM. Due to high winds, heavy rain and low visibility, residents are prohibited from operating motor vehicles on all Jersey City streets and highways beginning at 2:00pm on Monday 10/29 and continuing until further notice. All public transit is suspended including PATH, light rail, and buses. Curfew from 6pm Monday 10/29, through 1pm, Tue 10/30 in the following areas: 1) Washington Blvd. east to Hudson River 2) Areas of State Highway 440 West to Hackensack River & Bayonne City Line 3) All ped...

Prayer awaiting a storm

God of heaven and earth, the eyes of all wait upon thee. We seek to be far from the tempest and storm. Yet turbulence and danger swirl around us. Our preparations can only carry us so far. Surely the rising of the mighty waters will not reach the faithful, O Lord, our rock and refuge. See us to a place of shelter. Strengthen and sustain us, that even in the midst of the storm, we may stand secure in faith, surrounded by your love, in Jesus Christ. Amen. Hurricane Sandy generates waves on the coast of Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, 10/25/12, Orlando Barria/EPA. .

Prayer for eager disciples

God, we want you to do for us whatever we ask of you. And you are gracious enough to ask us what we want. Grant that our desire may be for your kingdom, where your glory is seen in the service of others. May we drink without fear from your cup, overflowing with love and mercy, and sustain us through every trial, in the mighty name of Jesus our redeemer. Amen. Prayer based on Mark 10:35-45 .

Prayer for new possibilities

God beyond our imagination, the way to eternal life is not smooth or easy. In fact, so many things seem beyond us: conquering addictions, living with grief, opening our hearts and hands in generosity. We attempt less than we ought, or even give up hope, when the burden we carry is camel-sized, and the way through seems impossibly small. Yet you invite us to walk with you, that we may see for ourselves your healing power and the miraculous possibilities in your kingdom. Give us hope, and strengthen us in faith, in the name of Jesus, our companion. Amen. Prayer evoking Mark 10:17-31 .